JANUARY 20, 2015
Energy efficiency has not only environmental benefits but economic benefits as well. We have begun recycling newspaper, bottles, cans and anything around the office that can be recycled. We try to operate on natural light in the afternoon hours and all computers and office equipment are powered down every night. We have recently added to the new applications and renewal forms a space to provide an email address. This will greatly save on paper as we hope, in the future, to correspond more through email as the bank of email addresses grows. As more companies go GREEN the option for email billing is offered and we take advantage of this whenever offered. When ordering office supplies and office equipment we try to order things made of recycled materials. And finally changing our office hours cuts down employee travel (reduces gas expenses and fuel emissions), reduces operating costs and improves employee productivity and satisfaction. The State Plumbing Board of Louisiana encourages you to do what you can to go GREEN!